Quiet Pattern -out now

I am so very happy that my first book Quiet Pattern is now available to buy in all good bookshops! This began as a tiny seed of an idea a couple of years ago that I mulled over for another year or more before approaching a publisher. I was thrilled and surprised when Clearview Books said they liked the idea and wanted to publish it.

I used to dislike pattern, I thought it was fussy and garish, dated and intrusive. I liked plain simple walls and minimal rooms. But I learnt to love the extreme variety of the different patterns that were out there whilst working as an interior stylist. I prefer very calm interiors; the outside world is stressful enough so I don’t want loud distracting patterns in my home as well. I wanted to show people that are afraid of pattern, the other, gentler side of the pattern world, hence the title Quiet Pattern

Quiet Pattern cover

Quiet Pattern cover

In the book I start by looking at a few different designers who over the years have created wonderfully calm and inspirational designs that are as popular today as they were when the designs were first produced.

Edward Bawden wallpaper designs available from Common Room and St Judes

Edward Bawden wallpaper designs available from Common Room and St Judes

I also wanted to encourage a sense of community, the world is huge and there is room for all the pattern designers out there who are making original work and following their own path. After working with various teams on different interiors shoot, it took a while to get used to working on my own in my studio whilst designing wallpaper, there isn’t always someone around to bounce ideas off or to ask an opinion. So it was really important to me to create a little community within this book and one of my favourite parts of this whole project was talking to the various designers about their inspiration and working methods. We also get to peek inside their homes, as a more personal way of showing those folks still afraid of pattern how the people who actually create the designs use them at home or visualise the patterns being used.

Daniel Heath in his East London studio

Daniel Heath in his East London studio

Anna Backlund's working sketches in the House Of Rym studio in Gothenburg

Anna Backlund's working sketches in the House Of Rym studio in Gothenburg

Birgit Morgenstern's designs at her home in Germany

Birgit Morgenstern's designs at her home in Germany

Most of the photographs are taken by my friend and collaborator, Alun Callender and I am so pleased with all of the images that he shot. I really hope that you enjoy the book and please do get in touch if you want to know more.

The book can be bought here.